Sunday, July 7, 2024

Linear Look Phase • American Photographer Mark Fisher • Oldsmobile 50's Advertisement


Linear Look Phase 

• American Photographer Mark Fisher • 

Oldsmobile 50's Advertisement

On A Magazine Page 

Published In 1958 

To Bring Awareness Of The New Models.

For The Up Coming Year Of 1959   

Over And Out 


Captured Under The Right Existing Light.

Modified For Web Presentation.

Slice And Dice Method Used

To Put This Final Direction Together.

Changing The Appearance,   

Of The Original Display Image.

With Adjustments Of The

Key Values.

Mastered For Sizing And Shaping.

To Fit The Platform.

Working The Approach Of The Design.

Pushing The Core Plain,

Using Developed Creative Techniques,

Controlling The Placement

And Linear Arrangement.

Completing The Essay Form

While Placing The Assets In Order,

Worked Incidental Detail Processing

To Construct The Lay Out.

Through Photo Graphic Engineering.

Assembling The Structured Appearance

Within The Cell Frame Field.

Maneuvering The Created Elements,

To Complete The Visual Result.

During Post Lab In New York City.


Just Be Creative™

No Second Usage Without Permission

• All Rights Reserved •    

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